
Showing posts from September, 2020

Week 2

 This week I wanted to take a more challenging yoga class. I wanted to see what I was capable of and what I'm not capable of. Also, I don't have the greatest flexibility but that's something I wanted to work on. This class was 30-40 minutes long and called advanced Vinyasa yoga flow. This yoga dealt with core, leg and balancing. We began with a laying position on our backs. She told us to bring our knees to the chest. We did small motions of moving our hips right and legs and doing the same with our ankles. The next motion was like a situp but we kept our knees to our chest and just brought the head up to the knees. I did this motion a few times and it burned my core I was working up a sweat. I'm not someone that's flexible especially because I have big legs. This motion was to stretch out our hamstrings. So our legs would just go straight up while your back is still laying. I could not get my legs to go all the way up straight it had a significant bend to it. The m

Weekly Practice Journal

 This is my first time experiencing yoga. I, unfortunately, couldn't attend a live class due to my schedule this week, I searched up a video on youtube for yoga beginners. The title of the video was "10-minute morning yoga for beginners. We first started off sitting in a traditional seated manner such as crossing your legs on a mat. Then we started to place my hands on my knees breathing in and out through my nose. She said to pull your chest forward and lift your chin up and to do a big inhale and exhale to round the spine. She said to tuck my chin and inhale open chest forward chin up and to exhale to round cave my chest chin down and come back to the center . We did this motion a few times and moved on to the next motion. We started to reach our hands out past my sides so my fingertips barely touch the ground and to reach my left arm up and overhead as your right palm flattens down on the ground. We did a big inhale and exhale to switch sides, where the left hand comes down