Bikram Yoga

 Today was my first live session of yoga with the instructor Diane Polli. Bikram yoga is done in a heated room with temperatures going up to 100+. This type of yoga consists of 26 postures. Unfortunately, I had a heel injury and was unable to do all the postures the instructor was telling us to do. I will be honest this yoga was difficult, I feel like the ones I have been watching and practising have been easy. On many of these movements that I attempted felt more like stretching movements and it did feel good but also my arms began to start getting tired in the air. The posture that I really like was the standing stick pose and it was easy to do. I really like when towards the end of Bikram we were on the ground on our backs and just relaxing as she was telling us to calm our minds, breath and relax. Everything was so quiet all we just focused on was her voice it was very calming. 


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