
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Journal

 Before this yoga class I never really looked into yoga or even attempted to try it. The furthest I may have went that was close to yoga was doing many stretches especially in the other half of the body. I will also say prof. Greene is an amazing professor and she truly tried her best to keep everything together especially because everything was over on Zoom. I really loved that she was able to incorporate actual classes in classes. I originally thought we would watch YouTube videos and do them ourselves, even though that part was included we did get the real thing and plenty of it. I remember Prof. Greene saying not to ask what the definition of yoga is I think. I never asked her but I thought yoga was an exercise which is true but it has more meanings that you could ever imagine. It's a very broad term. Yoga is exercise to some, spirituality to some, religion, rituals, healing, relaxation and so much more. It means something different to everyone and it is true. I will say I'

week 12

 Since one of our classes included mediation unfortunately I had to miss it due to personal issues I wanted to take time out of my day to give myself a chance to relax, refocus, regroup and gather my thoughts together. I did the vipassana meditation for 1 hour sitting that the professor provided in the email. I noticed that the YouTube video is not really a video so I just put my headphones on, closed my eyes, crossed my legs and just relaxed. I began listening to his voice many of these hums I have never heard. His voice was soft but there was just something about it that I didn’t fully like and it threw me off my zone a few times. I also never fully experienced multiple moments of just plain silence with your eyes closed. It felt like I was entering another world and imagining a place with just peace and comfort. Also the best part is I kept my room dark, I lit up a candle, put the fan on low and put on my noise cancelling headphones. Personally out of all the different variations of