Final Journal

 Before this yoga class I never really looked into yoga or even attempted to try it. The furthest I may have went that was close to yoga was doing many stretches especially in the other half of the body. I will also say prof. Greene is an amazing professor and she truly tried her best to keep everything together especially because everything was over on Zoom. I really loved that she was able to incorporate actual classes in classes. I originally thought we would watch YouTube videos and do them ourselves, even though that part was included we did get the real thing and plenty of it. I remember Prof. Greene saying not to ask what the definition of yoga is I think. I never asked her but I thought yoga was an exercise which is true but it has more meanings that you could ever imagine. It's a very broad term. Yoga is exercise to some, spirituality to some, religion, rituals, healing, relaxation and so much more. It means something different to everyone and it is true. I will say I'm not very good at doing many variations of yoga poses due to my inability of being flexible but maybe I could get there someday. In the class we were also introduced to different types of yoga such as bikram, Vinyasa, ashtanga, and a few more. Yes they all include different positions and teach many different things. 

   First and foremost, I have realized people in the West use yoga as a tool to get healthy and use for exercise. They are in search for something authentic or traditional. But yoga in the East is treated as something spiritual, ritual, religion and more. There practice has been passes down from generation to generation and they follow the same method it always has been. The question will always be there for me as in what does yoga truly mean to me? I don't really know because I have not fully practiced it and learned everything about it. It would take me many years to get to that point to find out what I really want from it. Also, with practice and time the positions will get easier to do. But something I may have looked for it getting relaxation out of it being able to rest my mind and focus on someone's voice or just straight silence. 

Secondly, for yoga you will need space and times you will need props because it does help. I was very lucky to have lots of open space in my room and also in my balcony. I have been going to the gym for years and realized that I should get a yoga mat for myself that I own because everyone in the gym uses the ones they provide and they can be dirty. Also yoga mats are very useful for anything. But having a great setting couldn't be used to it's full potential because I am very new to this and I probably on know how to do 15 positions. But I also did see myself being able to progress and having some moves become easier. 

Lastly, There is a form of yoga that I would like to try to it's full potential and that is Bikram Yoga. I'm an odd person, I do like to sweat especially because I feel like my body is cleansing itself and helping to burn fat. I also like how it consists of 26 poses. I also feel like if I develop a level of spirituality for a specific yoga one day I can use that particular yoga for spirituality and use bikram yoga for exercise. Also Bikram yoga is not a very difficult yoga, I would just have to work on becoming for flexible and let my body go with the flow. 

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this class more of the yoga aspect than some of history aspect. The world is very different and everyone takes everything differently. What something may mean to someone it can mean the complete opposite. We just have to face the fact that lots of things are just broad. I don't know If i'm going to use yoga everyday in my life or more frequently as we did in class but maybe one day I will give it a full try. I did learn a lot and it was a very new experience to me and apart of me did enjoy it. I will always wonder how the people in the east such as gurus give up everything for yoga and the definition they take it as. I don't think I would ever be able to do something like that. 


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