Blog 9

 I exercised this week alongside a 20-minute YouTube video posted by Yoga With Adriene called Full Body Flow.. There was a combination of calmness and rush to this practice. I was unable to do any of the poses at some times because they were a bit difficult, but then there were moments when I could relax and breath a little. Depending of what you ask or where in the world you ask, the concept of yoga varies. In the United States, yoga is used more as a workout and a means to get into shape than as a spiritual experience that binds one to one's mind and body. Personally, if I need a break from life and really want to relax and breath, I see yoga as an exercise to be performed. 'I do yoga to kill anything that weighs me down, and to get free from it. But yoga has always been something broad it has never had a true meaning, it's more like what you decide to take yoga as and what it means to you type of definition. Personally I also like taking classes more in live than looking at a YouTube video. I feel like taking a live class feels more natural and you feel like you are there. On YouTube it works well but you can get distracted and take your sweet time and stuff.


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